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Wood Scraps – What to do with them.

I have a pile of wood scraps.

wood scrapsIf you have been woodworking for awhile, you are bound to have a pile of wood scraps.  If you are like me, I tend to keep even the smallest piece, just in case.  I am getting a little better with the smaller ones unless they are a special wood or a good hardwood.

I still have 2 boxes of scraps though and just made another unit to store them.

I came across this easy woodworking project in my wanderings.  They took all their scraps, squared them off and made them all the same length.  Then they glued them together to form the table top.

stool from wood scrapsTwo more pieces of wood for the side and like magic, you have a table.  Finish it anyway your like, or heaven forbid, paint it.

This is a nice simple woodworking project that you should be able to knock off in a lazy afternoon.

Source: improvisedlife