8 money saving handyman and woodworking hacks

April 6, 2016 | woodworking projects
| 8 Great Woodworking Tricks.
Izzy always is a joy to watch and usually has tips that make #woodworking much easier.
In this video, he shows us 8 simple tips to make our projects less frustrating.
- Use a nail in your #drill to predrill holes.
- You can use many different size nails to make the hole. I have many drill bit sizes, but when I have misplaced them I can just use a nail in their place.
- Out of clamps to glue up a Project?
- Set up some blocks with wax paper underneath to hold the wood. Use some wedges to tightening up the wood.
- Number 2 is 2 tips in one. Setting up the blocks and using wax paper so they don’t stick to your bench.
- A new use for Salt when you are gluing wood together to make a thicker piece. They always slip around and the Salt Stops them from doing this.
- Again, no clamps for Tip 4. Izzy shows us how to make some simple clamps.
- No Drill Press? Here is a Tip for making 90 Degree Holes. Simple and effective.
- He has a simple way of making the jig for the drill.
- How to sharpening a cutting blade.
- To do this you will need to take your coffee cup to your workshop and make sure it is empty.
- A new use for toothpaste to cover a hole in the wall where a picture once was.
So have a watch and don’t forget to bring your coffee cup with you. 🙂
Here are 8 handy hacks for woodworkers, handymen, and home owners. These hacks will help save you time and #money.